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Why I saw:
K#2(#10) 6(bad), 80%, F(#6) wants to donate to God 80%?
M Large 0, 7(good good Pu)?
England? 9(king?), 21(break up with M)?
B(me) 21(break up with) 896(8 younger ones bads kings)?
GA(Georgia state of USA, where has many Christians) & that Korean's "girlfriend"(a killer)
F#2(M's secret spy) 6(bad), 04(0 are die, win)?
Entertainment J 3(live), 94 J die long, spiritually?
that Korean's Entertainment 3(live) & 42 German C 2 die, spiritually?
Lottery, Shes X(verb) me?
They are: Marijuana users, alcoholics, killers, lesbian, China's corruption.
2)Why Then I saw:
93E(me have eternal lifes, Entertainment)?
F(#6) Entertainment 3(live), 47(me good die, win)?
German C Entertainment & F(#6), #8 #7 & R?
Los Angeles 7397(live good, king good, me)?
357(live, not good) S(demonize) B(me) T(shit)?
Large Pu no, 7(good 1 Pu)?
Pu 7292(we goods pair, pair long)?
N(several) Pu no, 74W(die good win)?
Hes & 16 R bad 1?
Entertainment Hes 6(bads) & 75 M not good?
Pu B(me), another China's website win?
Pu Higher 2635(pair bads, not live, spiritually)?
J & F(#6) 8(rich), no no High me?
Tree(that Korean) & Pu 0?
HongKong 8(rich) & 6(bad live, A(Jin)?
51(not alone) Large B(me) win?
Large T(shit) 6(bad), 98 F(#6) rich long?
MR(husband?) 2, 90% D(concubine)?
3)Why Then I saw:
Large Pu 2, 50% D(his concubine)?
Japaneses & N(several) Hes 6(bads), 8(rich rich Gs(F(#6)-#10)?
advertisement 7(good), 11(me not pair, Large)?
N(several) Entertainments 6(bads), 0 B(me)?
Entertainment win 1, 7(good good Pu)?
886(bad rich rich) X(verb) F(#6) High?
N(several) A(Jin) 1, 42 F(#6) 2 die, spiritually?
S(demonize) B(me) 9(king), 1 T(shit)?
F#2(M's secret spy) & D(my younger brother?) 9(king), 47T(me good die, T(shit)?
Then I hear in Chinese:
You bad dry, you small wet, you bad dry.
You stink(slander me)
You fart(It is not my fault)
You demon, witch(I dreamed, saw the signs)
You fake, you pretend to be good(then Why God allows me to see signs, since 2003?)